Late Roman/Romano-British/Early Byzantine

The turmoil of the last two centuries of Roman dominance produced conflict throughout Europe and the near East. Emperors and Warlords rose and fell. Enemies old and new fought her legions from Britain to the gate of Byzantium. This range is intended to enable the collector and gamer to recreate those armies. Our view of the Roman army at this time is pretty fixed but there were differences in armor and clothing in various theaters of conflict. The Romano British infantry packs is there to mix in with the regular Roman infantry to give a different feel to the legions. We will do the same for other Roman armies over time to give you the chance to create a more specific look to you collection should you choose. 
81 results

Byzantine Armoured Horse Archers 1

Byzantine Armoured Horse Archers 2

Byzantine Spearmen

Byzantine Javelinmen

Romano-British Skirmish Warband for Saga
Late Roman Skirmish Warband for Saga
Late Roman General

Romano-British Warlord

Late Roman Javelinmen

Late Roman Infantry Command

Late Roman Elite Infantry

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