Get mixing with Mark

Today, Footsore's Mark Farr mixes up the plastic Serjeants with the Levy to make a new unit...


Being the 'hobby butterfly' that I am, I couldn't resist doing some 'kit-bashing' and mixing up some of the serjeant bodies with the Levy arms to make some 'veteran' archers. 

There are four torsos without arms (I think I may have said three before but I must have been in 'plastic crack frenzy' and just sticking pieces together in a pleasing way) so in a box of Serjeants, there are plenty of options!

Mark mixes Serjeants and Levy

I chose to make eight archers - six or seven is a good number for a strong unit of 'shooters', I like to have an extra figure or two to absorb casualties and the unit to still be effective.

The two sets are a perfect size match and the Levy Archer arms are an ideal fit with the Serjeant's torsos combined with the Serjeant Legs and heads it was easy to put a nice looking unit together. In the picture, you will see some of the arms are sprayed black, I decided to undercoat my Levy before sticking them together and it happens to work well in the picture to show the combination of kits. I think 'green' crossbowmen might be next using the Serjeant crossbows and the Levy bodies...

Now let's see your kitbashes, MarkF

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