Download: Personal Influence Marker (PIM)

GoR Personal Influence Marker

Click the image above to download a PDF of a PIM for use in your games.

Gangs of Rome Personal Influence Markers (or PIMs) are an I.O.U. you can win from a specific player. A PIM grants you a boon or favour the next time you face that player!

When using a PIM you must make sure you are clear on the choice of favour you have selected and that it is compatible with the Scenario you are playing. Calling in a marker to control a Mob Base is a waste if there are no mobs used in your current Scenario! You will need to choose from the list of available game favours wisely.

Battles in Gangs of Rome are all about gaining influence over the various Domini of opposing houses. Games of Gangs of Rome are almost like a form of wager that your Gang is better and stronger than that of your opponent. Each time you lose a game in Standard or Campaign Play, you must issue a Personal Influence Marker to your opponent. If you had more than one opponent, such as two allied Gangs working side-by-side, then you must issue a valid PIM to each opposing Dominus.

The use of PIMs is a fantastic way to further enhance play and group rivalry. They make fine trophies of your exploits as a Dominus, and you could just collect them and stick them up on your victory wall rather than spend each one right way! If you don’t have a victory wall, get one. Right now.

Paper versions of Gangs of Rome Personal Inuence Markers are available here to download from. Alternatively, if you want to add some style to your house, they will be available as a laser etched chit from our website shortly.


While left blank, a Personal Influence Marker does not have the power to affect play. To be made valid a PIM must be completed by printing your name and then signing the personal marker in the assigned space. This then validates the marker and makes it an offcial in-game favour granted by a Dominus of Rome.


Once acquired from your defeated opponent, a Gangs of Rome Personal Influence Marker is a valuable asset to any Dominus looking for an edge in future encounters against the player who handed it over. PIMs can only be used against the specific player who issued them. Anytime you fight a player over whom you hold a PIM, you may call in the PIM against that player to affect the forthcoming battle in some way.


Only one Personal Influence Marker is used each game, per player. Choosing your favour has to be made before the first Pebble is drawn.


After the very first Tactics Phase, after all Coins have been placed on both sides, and before the first Pebble is drawn, call in a valid Personal Influence Marker if you hold one over the player you now face.

Nota bene: if you hold a Personal Influence Marker over your current foe, you do not have to use it. You can save it for a more significant game to come, or keep it as a trophy for the time being.


To use choose an option from the PIM Options list on page 30 of the rulebook, then surrender the valid Personal Influence Marker to the Dominus who issued it


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